Eneselegi ootamatult sattusin väga väärika seltskonnaga samade kaante vahele. SCHRACHES MAGAZINE.

Publication of PARADISE CLUB in SCTATCHES magazine.

Ajakirja koostaja on Joost Swarte, kes on koomiksimaailmas vaieldamatu legend. Multitalent ja muu hulgas mitmete kaanekujunduste autor The New Yorker ajakirjale. Tsitaat intervjuust koostajaga...

"I have a lot of new publications here in my house. I decided Scratches would be one-third Flemish, one-third Dutch, and one-third international, with known friends but also new artists. I like this mix of arrivées and new talent. I saw a lot of new material and I remembered especially this yellow, pictogram style comic by Veiko Tammjärv. I had seen it once in a yearbook of Finnish comics but never broadly presented anywhere else. And I was so impressed by it I thought ‘I need to have this one in Scratches’."